Explosive Drums
5 Stars
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Brian VanPelt
The pressing is good, but not great (4 out of 5). The recording and mastering are epic though. The soundstage stretches top to bottom, right to left, and from front to back.
The most powerful instrument is the set of drums. This version of Animals has the most booming drums I've ever heard, and their is real viscerality in the sharper strikes. The organ does this wonderful job of painting the real wall from left to right and back again, slowly, during Dogs. The guitar is perfectly great, as usual, but isn't as big of a star as those other instruments. Waters' bass is very clear throughout.
As I listened, I could hear details I have not heard before. Little things, like a sound here or there. The vocals seem to jump out of the wall more than I can remember. Imaging is great and I could pick out all of the instruments even in a crowded song.
The visceral nature has given this version more emotion than I've felt before now. Grade 4.5 (because of the pressing).