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Symposium Acoustics - 19x18 MEDIUM SEGUE ISO LD with 35# Vertical Isolation

Symposium Acoustics



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Isolation Devices


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MD version (41 ~ 80 lbs) available.

The Symposium SEGUE ISO platform is the first platform expressly designed to isolate low frequency vertical wave vibration. It achieves its goals through a unique system of five cocentric staineless steel precision compression springs which are internally damped with aircell foam. Much more linear in action as compared to lossy rubber, sorbothane and polymers or even magnetic suspension systems and air bladder systems, the ISO will not induce bass "bloating," transient blurring or loss of dynamics due to non-linearities of these more commonly used systems, while still providing the classic Symposium "energy absorption" design. Used as recommended, the ISO will reduce or eliminate bass feedback and floor-borne shock and vibration. Although expressly designed for analog turntables, especially those without suspensions, the SEGUE ISO will benefit all components through its special combination of resonance damping and low frequency isolation, including CD and SACD players, digital music servers, pramplifiers, amplifiers and more. Due to a reduction in intermodulation distortion, the SEGUE ISO improves audio with:

  •     Increased protection from bass feedback, floor-borne shock and vibration.
  •     A quieter, "blacker" background
  •     Greater musical clarity
  •     Improved timbral definition, especially in the bass and upper midrange
  •     Greater perceived dynamic range due to reduced transient blurring and lower intermodulation distortion
  •     Improved soundstage and imaging

All types of feet can be used with the SEGUE ISO, but because of the ISO's mechanical damping design and impedance matching system, best results will be realized when a good mechanical connection exists between the chassis of the component and the top of the ISO platform. This means that hard feet will provide better results compared to soft feet since lossy materials have poor mechanical transmission.

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