In a world crowded with ho-hum tweaks and gimmicks, Symposium offers superbly designed, time-tested products of true musicality and effectiveness which simply have no peer. Regardless of the pedigree of your system, Symposium products will make it sound its best by reducing or eliminating the detrimental effects of both externally and internally generated vibration and noise.
Take your system to a new level of performance. Rave-reviewed around the world, Symposium products do not incur new resonances – never act as filters – and NEVER trade an existing problem for a new one.
Symposium Acoustics / Svelte Sets Small 10' x 12'Isolation Devicesset of two S SPEAKERSET S $698.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Symposium Fat Padz/ Set of 4Isolation DevicesI FAT PADZ $315.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Rollerblock Jr.Isolation DevicesSet of 3 I RBJR 3 $275.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Rollerblock Series 2+/ Set of 3Isolation DevicesGrade 10 Tungsten Carbide bearings I RB2 3 $599.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Ultra Platform Small (19x14)Isolation DevicesS ULTRA S $799.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Svelte Plus 19" x 14"Isolation DevicesNo Couplers S SVTPLS 19-14NC $599.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Precision Couplers 1 7/8 Inch diaIsolation DevicesSet of 4 I PCOUPLE 4SET $200.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Ultra Platform Large (19x21)Isolation DevicesS ULTRA L $1,049.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Rollerblock Jr. HDSE (Heavy Duty Special Edition)Isolation DevicesSet of 3 - Grade 10 bearings I RBJR 3HDSE $499.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Svelte Shelf 19 x 14 NCIsolation DevicesS SVELTE 19NC $499.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Super Plus 19 x 14 PlatformIsolation DevicesS SUPERPLS 14X19 $799.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / 19x18 MEDIUM SEGUE ISO LD with 35# Vertical IsolationIsolation DevicesS SMISO LD $575.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Svelte Sets X-Large 19" x 14"Isolation DevicesPair for speakers S SPEAKERSET XL $998.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Point PodsIsolation DevicesSet of 4 I POINT PODS $249.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / 19x14 STD SEGUE ISO LD with 35# Vertical IsolationIsolation DevicesS SSISO LD $450.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Svelte Shelf 19 x 21 NCIsolation DevicesS SVELTE 19-21NC $699.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Point PodsIsolation DevicesSet of 3 I POINT PODS3 $189.00 |
Symposium Acoustics / Svelte Shelf 19 x 14 WCIsolation DevicesS SVELTE 19WC $599.00 |
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