
5 Stars
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
This is an incredible album, his best since collaborating with Emmylou Harris in 2006.
It's not rock and roll; don't enter into this hoping to hear one of the greatest living guitar players solo like only he can. That's not where he's at. No changes there.
But Tracker is lush, emotional, vivid, and the songwriting sounds more inspired to me than it has in years. Every song creates a mood, musically and lyrically. Each is distinct and evocative. There were a few years in there where I thought some of Mark Knopfler's solo work sounded a little stale. Not here. Tracker is low key, but from first to last, it is ever-changing and magical. I literally laughed (Skydiver) and cried (Mighty Man, Silver Eagle, Wherever I Go). A couple times I even had to get up and, well, if not dance, at least shuffle about a bit.
The album comes together as a whole. Listen with your eyes closed (and the lyric sheet nearby).