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Furutech - E-TP60 AC Power Distributor




Product No.:
W E-TP60
EAN: 4582237530339
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Line Conditioners


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Power cord not included

This component minimizes the common problem of contaminated electrical power hindering AV equipment’s ability to perform at its peak level. Electrical power is pure and clean at the plant. But during transmission, noises generated from industrial motors, transformers and even home appliances will enter through the power cable and severely distort the voltage wave. Coolers, microwave ovens, home computers and all electrical appliances contribute to such degradation of performance. For AV equipment this issue is especially important.

For years, high-end audio/video enthusiasts have been searching for ways to improve their electrical power. The Furutech E-TP60 AC Power Distributor provides the ideal solution. It makes the home electrical power pure and clean without diminishing power levels, which in turn helps the AV equipment realize its fullest potential.

A special material called GC-303 is paved on the chassis of the E-TP60 using a special Epoxy resin to absorb electromagnetic waves. The theory of noise processing applied to this product is to deliver the pure electricity using GC-303 to absorb noises in a non-contact way and to use aviation industry-level aluminum materials to effectively shield off the invasion of foreign and radioactive noises.

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