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Last Factory - Stylast Stylus Treatment

Last Factory



Product No.:
C SF 500
UPC: 084025863093
In Stock

Stylus Cleaner

Note: 1/4 oz.


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Stylast dramatically reduces the friction at the stylus/groove interface.

Resulting in:

  • Stylus life extension up to 10 times
  • Reduced distortion and improved sonic performance
  • Increased stylus tracking ability
  • Increased stylus suspension life
  • Reduced record wear

Stylast is not a lubricant and leaves no residue. It is effective throughout the entire play of one side of an LP record.

Customer Reviews (5.00 Stars) 2 person(s) rated this product.

Do your ears and your stylus a favor!!

posted on 07/09/2007
5 Stars
Reviewer: David Poudrier
I've been using Sylast for years and I refuse to listen to vinyl without it. We all know about the projected short lifespan of a stylus, but I use Stylast every time before I listen to an album, and haven't had a problem with my stylus since. The super sensitive brush picks up unseen dust as well as protecting the stylus. Give this stuff a try today!!

Wouldn't play without it

posted on 12/17/2005
5 Stars
Reviewer: Charles Peterson
Not only does this make stylus last just about forever, as far as I can tell, it always seems to make records sound better. In a word, more liquid. Less dry and crackly. I've never noticed any of the alleged problems. Though the Stylast applicator doubles as a stylus cleaner, it's best if you clean stylus beforehand, otherwise fluid in bottle fills up with accumulated dust. I use Onzow Zero Dust for cleaning, then Stylast for "treatment." Very easy.

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