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VPI - VP MW-1 Cyclone Record Cleaner




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Record Cleaning Machine


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The Cyclone features vacuuming in both directions, really cleaning out the record grooves. An all aluminum machine, the VPI MW-1 Cyclone Record Cleaning Machine is quieter than the Award Winning HW-16.5 plus it has a platter that can be pressed on quite hard for solid cleaning!

• Aluminum housing
• Ability to turn the motor in both directions while the vacuum is on
• The motor turns on the outside of the platter rather than the center so you can press as hard as you like with your brush without worrying about bending/breaking the center motor shaft.

Customer Reviews (5.00 Stars) 2 person(s) rated this product.

Well worth the price.

posted on 07/12/2019
5 Stars
Reviewer: Rogue Planet Music DSM
I own a record shop and we clean 50-100 LPs per week on average, and as many as 40 LPs in one sitting. We went through half a dozen other machines from two manufacturers, and have owned and used almost all of the major brands' models including VPI 16.5. The build quality (and hopefully durability) of the MW-1 is really in a class of it's own. Weisfeld himself said that the MW-1 was designed for continuous, heavy-duty usage, and so far the MW-1 has not missed a beat. The strength of the vacuum seems to get the LPs cleaner than some of the other machines as well. It is more expensive, but if you need professional quality, this is your machine. Highest recommendations.

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