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Sigur Ros - With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly





Product No.:
AKRNK 966846
UPC: 190296684661
In Stock

Vinyl Record

No. of Discs: 2


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Double LP

"Sigur Rós remain in a wonderful universe of their own." — BBC

"The band achieves a new unity in variety here, winding from near-glam romp and fireside-folk warmth to slow-climb grandeur." — Rolling Stone

Með suð i eyrum við spilum endalaust is Sigur Rós' fifth studio album which was initially released in 2008 via EMI and XL Recordings. Með suð i eyrum við spilum endalaust, produced by the band and renowned producer Flood, was recorded in New York, London and Havana.

The album was written, recorded and toured all within 12 months — a first for the band that often labored for years over their previous records. Completely out of print worldwide Með suð i eyrum við spilum endalaust will now be reissued via the bands own label, Krunk.



Side A
1. Gobbledigook
2. Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
3. Góðan daginn
4. Við spilum endalaust

Side B
1. Festival
2. Með suð í eyrum

Side C
1. Ára bátur
2. Illgresi

Side D
1. Fljótavík
2. Straumnes
3. All alright

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