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Pro-Ject - Align It Pro - Cartridge Alignment Tool

Pro-Ject - Align It Pro - Cartridge Alignment Tool




Product No.:
EAN: 9120122296554
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Turntable Set Up Tools


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Specifically developed for Pro-Ject turntables.

A reliable tool for accurate cartridge alignment and adjustment. This tool gives you a precise reading for the true turning center of Pro-Ject tonearms. It's also adaptable to accommodate differing tonearm lengths, and as such is suitable for the arms of other manufacturers with arms from 8 inches to 12 inches effective length.

Proper cartridge alignment is, of course, crucial to coaxing the maximum performance out of your turntable setup. Don't skip this key step.

Click Here to see the Manual.

Customer Reviews (4.00 Stars) 2 person(s) rated this product.

Not so easy to use if you don't have a pro-ject arm

posted on 07/09/2007
3 Stars
the instructions should give specific instructions on how to use this device on non-pro-ject tables. The calibrations on the acrylic are numbers with no associated 'tick' marks so it is difficult to tell if you've got it centered where it ought to be. The instructions are vauge on setup of the sliding portion of the bottom plate. The grid on the plate you align your catridge againts is hard to see. Not easy to use.

Works good

posted on 03/21/2007
5 Stars
Reviewer: Lonnie
Used it on my Pro-ject 6.1 and Clearaudio Emotion . Directions could be a little better as it's a bit confusing at first. Once I figured out what all the different lines were for (Overhang) it was fairly easy to use. Installed a Sumiko Blackbird on my new Emotion turn table and it sounds great.

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