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Various - 20 for $30 Grab Bag

 (20 Miscellaneous Classical LPs)





Product No.:
Limited Stock

Preowned Vinyl Record

This item is Preowned.
Grade: Not Yet Graded
No. of Discs: 20


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Grab Bag Includes 20 random Classical Records hand selected by members of the Vinyl Vault Staff knowledgable in classical selections.

Here is a great opportunity to affordably disccover new classical music. Here at the Vinyl Vault we have more records than time to list them. The records in this bundle may not be in Mint condition but will be in generally good shape. The records will be quickly visually assessed to assure you're not receving a tattered or horribly scratched record, but will not be ultrasonically cleaned.

Want more tailored bundles? Check out our Composer Bundles:

Bach Bundle
Bartok Bundle
Beethoven Bundle
Brahms Bundle
Britten Bundle
Chopin Bundle
Copeland Bundle
Debussy Bundle
Dvorak Bundle
Elgar Bundle
Handel Bundle
Haydn Bundle
Hindemith Bundle
Liszt Bundle
Mahler Bundle
Mendelssohn Bundle
Mozart Bundle
Prokofiev Bundle
Rimsky-Korsokov Bundle
Schoenberg Bundle
Schubert Bundle
Shostakovich Bundle
Stravinsky Bundle
Strauss Bundle
Sibelius Bundle
Tchaikovsky Bundle
Vivaldi Bundle
Vaughan Williams Bundle
Wagner Bundle
Various Pieces from Russian Composers
Various Pieces from Baroque Composers

Or Our Instrument Bundles:

Various Piano Concertos
Various Pieces for Violin
Various Pieces for Viola
Various Pieces for Cello
Various for Classical Guitar/Lute
Various Pieces for Flute
Various Pieces for Clarinet
Various Pieces for Trumpet
Various String Quartets
Various Symphonies


Customer Reviews (5.00 Stars) 1 person(s) rated this product.

Well, Well Worth It!

posted on 01/29/2024
5 Stars
Reviewer: Keith
I purchased the 20 records for $35. Bundle. 5 real bangers (albeit classical). I was hoping for at least

2 good albums, I would say I got 10 good ones!

Thanks Chad and Jonathan!!!

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