Pink Floyd - Animals

 (2018 Remix + Booklet)

Pink Floyd - Animals





Product No.:
ALEG 68519
UPC: 190758768519
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180 Gram Vinyl Record

180 Gram LP

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Also available on:
180 Gram Vinyl Record

Hybrid Multichannel SACD
2018 Remix

Multi-Format Box Sets
Deluxe Edition 2018 Remix LP + CD + DVD + Blu-Ray + Booklet

2018 Remix + Booklet

Blu-ray Audio
2018 Remix + Booklet + Sticker + Postcard

Animals 2018 Remix 180-gram LP Edition!

Remixed and remastered by James Guthrie, Joel Plante and Bernie Grundman

Includes 28-page booklet and a gatefold jacket

"Listening to James Guthrie's 2018 stereo remix of Pink Floyd's Animals on vinyl is generally a lovely, detailed listening experience. This new mix - or, in the collective/official parlance, Remix - is an improvement on the original editions in almost every way. ... There is much more detail and presence apparent surrounding the instruments, with increased clarity and separation. The vocals are also much more upfront. An incredible sense of staging is more apparent here, something that previously wasn't as immediate." — Mark Smotroff,, Sept. 30, 2022

The time is now for a coveted 180-gram LP reissue of the Pink Floyd 1977 classic Animals. The reissue presented here was remixed for the first time, and remastered, by James Guthrie, Joel Plante and Bernie Grundman from the original analog tapes. Pressed on 180-gram vinyl, it will be presented in a poly-lined inner sleeve inside a reproduction of the original LP sleeve.

Animals is a concept album, focusing on the social-political conditions of mid-1970s Britain, and was a change from the style of the band's earlier work. The album was developed from a collection of unrelated songs into a concept which describes the apparent social and moral decay of society, likening the human condition to that of animals. Taking inspiration from George Orwell's Animal Farm, the album depicts the different classes of people as animals with pigs being at the top of the social chain, dropping down to the sheep as the mindless herd following what they are told, with dogs as the business bosses getting fat on the money and power they hold over the other. Although it's been a long time since 1977, the narrative of the album still resonates today as our social and economic situation mirrors that of the time.

Animals reached No. 2 in the U.K., and No. 3 in the U.S.. Thanks to the album and the band's back catalog, noted The Guinness Book of British Hit Albums, "Pink Floyd bested Abba for most weeks on chart (in 1977), 108 to 106."

NME called Animals "one of the most extreme, relentless, harrowing and downright iconoclastic hunks of music to have been made available this side of the sun," and Melody Maker's Karl Dallas described it as "(an) uncomfortable taste of reality in a medium that has become in recent years, increasingly soporific."


Side A
1. Pigs on the Wing (Part One)
2. Dogs

Side B
1. Pigs (Three Different Ones)
2. Sheep
3. Pigs on the Wing (Part Two)

Customer Reviews (5.00 Stars) 4 person(s) rated this product.

Nailed it!

posted on 02/23/2023
5 Stars
Reviewer: James
I bought the 1st pressing of Animals way back in 1977. I

was 15 then. I loved that album and its message was

understood. I wore that vinyl out and bought the CD.

Big money spent and I’m back into vinyl. I bought Pink

Floyd’s Animals remaster…it was a let down. Flat and

faded. Weak. How do these record companies approve

sub par remasters of a masterpiece like Pink Floyd’s Animals?

Besides the nice flat vinyl and quality cover, this remix

was obviously done with great care, love and respect…

because it sounds glorious. Having good gear helps

but, wow. Big 3D like sound stage, crystal clear and

separated are the instruments. Deep lows and clear

highs. The animal sounds of the dogs and sheep can

be heard more up front. First play had me grinning ear

to ear. Fantastic job, boys!

Beautifully mixed…

posted on 10/08/2022
5 Stars
Reviewer: Christopher G
While PF’s message continues to be serious, for me that didn’t get in the way of just how beautiful this album was mixed and sounds. Perhaps that’s the point (the juxtaposition); I don’t know but I did listen to it four times over two days with the expressed intent of listening to the lyrics for their meanings only to be swept away instead by the brilliant music. I hope all pressings are as dead-quiet and brilliantly mixed so everyone can similarly experience this magic.

Very impressed!

posted on 10/02/2022
5 Stars
Reviewer: Adam G.
A good friend of mine gave me a copy of his Animals

Lp. I put it on and quickly discovered that the

production was terrible (for a Pink Floyd record). So I

only played it once. Deciding to find a better copy, I

kept putting it off. I literally stumbled upon this 2018

Remix and it was like a lo-fi fog had been lifted! Now

THIS is a Pink Floyd record! I’ve overwhelmingly

recommended this reissue to my buddy who gave his

1977 copy to me. Totally thrilled with everything on this

reissue. I’m really picky about good recordings. And

this reissue production doesn’t disappoint. Job well


Explosive Drums

posted on 09/18/2022
5 Stars
Reviewer: Brian VanPelt
The pressing is good, but not great (4 out of 5). The recording and mastering are epic though. The soundstage stretches top to bottom, right to left, and from front to back.

The most powerful instrument is the set of drums. This version of Animals has the most booming drums I've ever heard, and their is real viscerality in the sharper strikes. The organ does this wonderful job of painting the real wall from left to right and back again, slowly, during Dogs. The guitar is perfectly great, as usual, but isn't as big of a star as those other instruments. Waters' bass is very clear throughout.

As I listened, I could hear details I have not heard before. Little things, like a sound here or there. The vocals seem to jump out of the wall more than I can remember. Imaging is great and I could pick out all of the instruments even in a crowded song.

The visceral nature has given this version more emotion than I've felt before now. Grade 4.5 (because of the pressing).

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